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Lauren Rebello

We are all seeking a purpose in our life; the mission that we were created to embark on and fulfill. My name is Lauren Rebello, and it's my mission to help others learn how to create meaningful moments. I believe that a good life is not compiled of many good moments, but rather, of moments lived well. Throughout my lifetime, I have had many inspirations through prayer, and I believe that the words I have put down on paper are simply the whispers of God compelling me to write down what He says. I have been inspired to start a blog and to share with the world the words that have been given to me. My hope in creating this blog is that each person who comes across it takes away something that will help mold their life more into what it is meant to be; that it may be a guide to your walk of life. That each individual person understands better the true value woven into their heart and soul, and that it gives them purpose; a purpose and a mission that no one else can fulfil but you.

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