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  • Writer's pictureLauren Rebello

Have Confidence in the Lord

August 17, 2020

I found myself one day in conversation with God, contemplating all of the things that we human beings are capable of through all the gifts that we've been blessed with. And this is what the Lord said in my prayer:

“Have Confidence in Me. Do not wish to be adored by others... seek love, and love back. When you pray, pray with faith, not doubt or worry. Have confidence in me... have faith in me... have trust in me. You shall receive as much as you put into each day... as much as you put into living your life... you will receive. You are my desire. I want to be free with you. I do not wish for you to be held down, a slave to the world. I want you to feel free, and to feel my radiant love. My burning passion... the love my heart bears for YOU. You are my creation; my masterpiece. You were born from a thought that stirred in my mind- the mind of your creator. I have placed you where I need you most. And there I will protect you. I have carved your journey before you. You are my design; a jewel of beauty to the world. The presence of your being adds so much beauty to the world. The world needs you... not to become part of it; not to stand against it; but to stand BEFORE it. To stand before it to offer what I have given you. Do not hold back your gifts. They are meant to be shared. I have planted unique gifts into the soul of every person. See how much destruction it causes when one does not use their gifts... if one chooses to throw away their gifts and do the opposite. How it hurts my heart to see such beautiful handcrafted gifts never used, left unnoticed, unappreciated. It is for a time such as this that I created you. Of all the years and minutes and moments of the world... I chose NOW for you to be here. Because it is at this point that the world needs your unique unfathomable gifts the most. Have confidence in me that I am in control. That I am moving in and through you, and although you may feel that your life is running and stopping in all different directions at once, know that I am moving with you; and that I am standing with you; and that I continue to love you through it all, never letting go of your hand. Why? Because I love you; and I do not abandon my love. I come to my Love’s rescue. Be confident in me. Do you not have faith in your creator? I do not put challenges before you to destroy you, but rather, to build you; because I know that you have the gifts in store to handle every situation. But you must trust me. You must have confidence in me.”

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